Hydration is super important whether you are an athlete or not. There are several benefits to keeping yourself hydrated daily, from keeping your cells happy to normal body functions. However, you may not know some of these fun facts about hydration, ranging from how you can hydrate to having a personal hydration limit. Check out these seven facts below, and test your hydration knowledge.
7. Dark yellow urine may signal you’re dehydrated

Seventh on our list of fun facts about hydration has to do with urine. Often, you can see how dehydrated you are by checking your urine color after going to the bathroom. The color can range from clear to dark yellow or brown, with an eight-level chart created by the U.S. Army Public Health Command showing where you should be. The lightest three colors (clear to light-medium yellow) indicate you are hydrated, while the bottom five may mean you’re dehydrated.
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6. Everyone’s hydration needs are unique

While most people say to drink X amount of glasses of water to be hydrated, this may not always be the case. Ranking sixth on our fun facts about hydration list, every person’s hydration needs are unique. These needs can vary depending on age, activity level, diet, health, climate, and medications you are taking. The National Academy of Sciences recommends 15 cups of fluid for men and about 11 cups of fluid for women daily, but if you are concerned due to health needs, consult your primary care physician.
5. Thirst does not always correlate with hydration

Fifth on our list of fun facts about hydration relates to how thirst and dehydration aren’t quite the same. Usually, when the body is calling for hydration, we get thirsty. However, there are times you can get thirsty for other reasons, such as eating spicy food or having a health problem like diabetes. The ability to gauge thirst diminishes as we grow older, so the best way to determine your hydration levels is usually by urine color.
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4. Too little sleep may dehydrate you

Coming in fourth on our list of fun facts about hydration is the importance of a good night’s rest. Getting a sufficient amount of sleep can help you stay hydrated, according to a study where people who slept six hours per night were more dehydrated than those who slept eight. This is due to a disruption of vasopressin, a hormone released at night that helps your body maintain its hydration.
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3. You can drink too much water

Coming into the top three fun facts about hydration is how much water is too much? It is possible to overdo your intake and drink more than your body can flush out. Also known as hyponatremia (water toxicity), the sodium levels drop dangerously low in your body. This can result in confusion, nausea, headaches, and convulsions and can even be fatal in some cases. Most often this happens to those with preexisting health conditions, but just be aware of how much water you’re taking in.
2. Some groups are at higher risk of dehydration than others

Just like other aspects of our body, hydration and dehydration levels can vary based on the person. Ranking second on our fun facts about hydration list, dehydration can be dangerous for children, pregnant women, and some older adults, especially those who are sick. Children mainly get dehydration from illnesses like vomiting and diarrhea, while older adults can have a lower water volume, and pregnant women can be in danger due to severe morning sickness.
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1. Drinking liquids is not the only way to stay hydrated

Last but not least, on our list of fun facts about hydration is the ability to hydrate from foods and water. While around 80 percent of fluid intake comes from liquids, around 20 percent comes from watery foods like fruits and vegetables. These foods can include watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries, celery, grapefruit, spinach, radishes, etc. On the other end, salty foods are dehydrating, so having a balance can keep you at the right hydration levels.
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