7 Fun Facts About Hydration You Should Know

fun facts about hydration
Credit: Lia Bekyan

Hydration is super important whether you are an athlete or not. There are several benefits to keeping yourself hydrated daily, from keeping your cells happy to normal body functions. However, you may not know some of these fun facts about hydration, ranging from how you can hydrate to having a personal hydration limit. Check out these seven facts below, and test your hydration knowledge.

7. Dark yellow urine may signal you’re dehydrated

Credit: Markus Spiske

6. Everyone’s hydration needs are unique

Credit: Fellipe Ditadi

5. Thirst does not always correlate with hydration

Credit: Thao LEE

4. Too little sleep may dehydrate you

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3. You can drink too much water

Credit: engin akyurt

2. Some groups are at higher risk of dehydration than others

Credit: Johnny McClung

1. Drinking liquids is not the only way to stay hydrated

Credit: laura adai