Audio Porn For Women Is Now A Thing—And It’s Shockingly Sexy

audio porn

audio porn

While it still may not be a part of the mainstream conversation in the same way it is for men, women are watching—and enjoying—porn. A 2015 study found that 30 percent of women watch it at least once per week, and some might argue that those numbers are likely even underreported. But now there’s a growing new trend in the space of female sexuality—audio porn or audio erotica, which is basically like listening to very, very sexy books on tape.

Stats show women are turning to audio porn as a form of escapism during the pandemic. “Audio erotica triggers imagination and creativity, which play a big role in sexual desire,” explains Dr. Shannon Chavez, PsyD, CST, a licensed psychologist and certified sex therapist. “Listening to erotica leads to sexual fantasies and engages our biggest sex organ—the brain.”

It also can be a welcome change from traditional porn for many, because while we’re not knocking it, the mainstream stuff does come with some drawbacks for a lot of female viewers. “Visual erotica can be triggering for some women because it can cause feelings of repulsion or be a turn-off. Many women feel porn is not ethical and get caught up in the context rather than the visual stimuli,” says Chavez. This can lead to a mental-block that prevents you from experiencing arousal.

On the flip side, audio erotica is much more of a “choose your own adventure.” It’s self-guided and can lead to fantasy that includes images of you, rather than the actors in porn, notes Chavez. The space is not lacking in content, either: From steamy narrated scenes about common fantasies to guided masturbation sessions that help you get off, there is something for everyone.

We asked a few women to take audio erotica for a test listen, and the takeaway was pretty unanimous. “It’s like reading 50 Shades of Gray, but even hotter,” said one, who used it to help her get in the mood. It was well-liked, even among our small group, and earned rave reviews for being easy to incorporate into sexual habits and how discreet it is. “I could easily listen to this on a flight and no one would ever know,” said one.

Interested? Chavez notes that apps such as Dipsea (which saw an 84 percent increase in subscribers since quarantine began) and Quinn make it easy to explore different types of erotica. There’s also Femtasy, a new audio erotica platform that recently launched in the U.S. and U.K. (this is what our “testers” reviewed). The membership-based service offers a library of erotic audio stories geared towards female pleasure. Users can choose not only the topic and “intensity” of the story, but also the “voice” reading the story, be that male or female, with a British accent, etc.

As far as how and when to listen, the choice is yours. But if you’re looking for some guidance, Chavez suggests incorporating audio erotica into masturbation. “Start by using it to get turned on and pair it with self-pleasure and stimulation,” she says. “I would also recommend that a couple listen to audio erotica together. The imagery from audio erotica may spark ideas and interests that can be shared with a partner.”

Bottom line: Porn doesn’t have to be visual to get you all hot and bothered. If you haven’t yet explored the world of audio erotica, you may want to consider doing so. It can be an easy way to increase libido and desire and explore your own sexuality, without some of the downsides of traditional porn.

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