Can You Go Barefoot on an Elliptical Machine? 5 Reasons Why You Should Think Twice

Can You Go Barefoot On Elliptical Machines?

If you are at home barefoot, why not go barefoot on an elliptical machine if you have a home gym? There are some risk factors that come with using an elliptical machine without shoes. Let’s discuss these risks and how they can affect you in more than one way. We have five reasons you should think twice about going barefoot on an elliptical machine, even if you have one in your home. 

1. Slipping and injuries

Slipping is a big risk factor when exercising barefoot on an elliptical machine. When you exercise, you sweat due to your exertion and your body is burning calories. If you use the machine barefoot and sweat runs down your legs, you risk slipping and many injuries from a fall. Even if your machine has grippers on the pedals, that is no guarantee that you will not slip off the machine. Or, if you slip and slide without falling, this still means your form is not the best it can be, which can also lead to injuries. For these reasons, we recommend wearing shoes to prevent slipping.

2. Blisters on the feet 

If you excessively exercise on the elliptical machine without shoes, it may cause blisters on your feet. You won’t be working out for a while if you get blisters on your feet. They can last three to seven days if not treated correctly and are very uncomfortable. It’s important to avoid bursting the blister because this could lead to an infection or slow down the healing process. Therefore, you shouldn’t work out on the elliptical machine barefoot to avoid this very thing from happening to your feet. 

3. Infection  

If other family members use the elliptical exercise machine, you are more likely to be infected by their bacteria. In addition, bacteria may also come from children or pets. Therefore, keep the elliptical exercise machine clean or away from children or pets to avoid this risk. The infection can worsen if you continue to work out barefoot and could lead to a serious infection that could send you to the doctor. The blister reason and the infection go hand in hand with each other if the blister bursts open, the bacteria can enter the skin and result in a condition. It can quickly become a medical emergency if it spreads to your lymph nodes or bloodstream. 

Check Out: How to Warm Up Before Lifting

4.  Foot sole pain 

Regardless of your age or level of physical fitness, it is not recommended to go barefoot on an elliptical machine in case of pain. Long-term use without shoes may affect the soles of your feet and cause pain or even foot injuries.

There could also be an uncomfortable grip on the pedals, which will most likely speed up the pain.  If you have a job where you are already on your feet for a long time, having heel pain from barefoot exercises will only cause you more pain. 

5. Smelly feet

Lastly, one thing to consider when going barefoot on an elliptical machine is that others may be using it with shoes on and therefore, your foot is coming into contact with all of that dirt and bacteria. Plus, with your excess sweating, there is a good chance that your feet will start to smell after your workout.

Socks and sneakers are a pair that keep sweat and odor inside of your shoes, which makes working out more pleasant. If you don’t want smelly feet, it’s probably best to avoid going barefoot on an elliptical machine, even if its in your own home.

Do What’s Best For You

To sum up, sneakers are best for elliptical machines because they are breathable and won’t smell bad too soon. In addition, lightweight sneakers are very comfortable for elliptical training. Although some people are used to exercising on the elliptical without shoes, the right elliptical sneakers are a must to avoid injuries, infection, and other negatives that can come with being barefoot.

If you’re in the market for a new pair, check out some of our favorite running shoes here for women and men.