While it’s encouraged to drink water every day, you probably don’t think about how important water is to your body other than just hydration. With over half of our bodies being comprised of water, H2O helps us maintain homeostasis to lead our lives. If you want to learn about all the ways water helps you, check out these six fun facts about water in your body below.
6. Water regulates body temperature

Starting our list of fun facts about water in your body is temperature regulation. The water allows the body to release heat through sweating and evaporates from the skin to cool the body down. Additionally, since water has a high heat capacity, it can absorb a large amount of heat before rising in temperature, assisting in stabilizing our body temperatures.
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5. The body is about 60% water

Fifth on our list of fun facts about water in your body is what percentage of water is inside us. On average, the human body is composed of 60% water by weight, but this number can vary based on several factors. These include age and sex, with babies having a higher percentage than adults and men having a slightly higher percentage than women. Fat tissue can also affect water content since it does not carry as much water as lean tissue.
4. Water is a shock absorber for your spinal cord

Next up on our list of fun facts about water in your body is how the liquid interacts with your spinal cord. Water is a shock absorber for the cord because it is a key component of the intervertebral discs, cushioning your vertebrae and protecting the spine from damage. If you are dehydrated, it can significantly decrease the shock-absorbing capacity, leaving the discs more prone to injury or back pain.
CHECK OUT: 7 Fun Facts About Hydration You Should Know
3. Water helps lubricate your joints

Rounding out the top three fun facts about water in your body is the importance of water to your joints. Drinking water helps contribute to the production of synovial fluid, which acts as a natural lubricant within your joints, reducing friction and allowing smoother movements. When you are dehydrated, your joints will be more prone to stiffness and pain.
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2. Water keeps your skin healthy

Second on our list of fun facts about water in your body is how water keeps our skin healthy. By staying hydrated, the water will maintain our skin moisture, flush out toxins, and improve blood flow around the body. Even drinking as little as two cups of water can give your skin a smoother tone. Another benefit of water for the skin is it helps prevent excess oil and sebum buildup, resulting in fewer breakouts.
1. The brain is around 75% water

Last but not least, on our list of fun facts about water in your body is how much of the brain is water. About 75% of the brain is made up of water, making it vital to proper brain function and cognitive performance. Without the proper amount of water, your brain will have a harder time with attention, memory, fatigue, poor mood, and sleepiness. This can happen with low and high levels of dehydration, so it is important to continue to drink water throughout the day.
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