5 Pre-Run Warm-Up Stretch to Crush Your Next 5K

Pre-Run Warm-Ups Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

Whether you are new to running, or a 5K veteran, keeping your body in tip-top shape is important for performing at your best.

A pre-run warm-up is crucial for allowing your muscles and joints to be at their fullest range of motion. Your muscles respond better to the stress your workouts put on them if they have been warmed up beforehand.

Stretching before and after your runs should be a habit by now, but if it’s not we’ve got a few tips for you to get started!

5. Squats with Hip Rotation

Squat Stretch Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

4. Inch Worm

Inch Worm Stretch Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

3. Heel Walks

Heel Stretches Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

2. Around the Clock Lunges

Lunges Stretch Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

1. Leg Swings

Leg Swing Stretch Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash