This Skincare Company Is Taking Customization To The Next Level With Serum Made From Your Own Blood

c/o SoME

c/o SoME

SoME Skincare PRP Serum: How it works, the benefits, and a product review.

Remember the vampire facial? The viral in-office treatment—first made famous by Kim Kardashian—is a cosmetic treatment that involves applying your own blood, or the platelet rich plasma (PRP) extracted from it to be exact, back into your face. PRP technology is utilized in dermatologist offices and state-of-the-art medspas across the world for everything from treating hair loss to maximizing the results of a facial by boosting collagen and elastin.

Up until recently, platelet rich plasma was only available through in-office microneedling or injections, but now there’s a new product called SoME Skincare that offers an at-home solution. Developed by Aesthetics Biomedical, physicians infuse your own PRP into a serum that remains fresh for three months and can be incorporated into your daily skincare routine. Here, a closer look at how it works, what the benefits are, my firsthand experience using the product, and how you can get your very own SoME Skincare PRP Serum.


What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Before diving into my own experience with the SoME Skincare PRP serum, it’s important to understand what platelet rich plasma is. PRP is a protein derived from the blood after it has been strategically spun in a centrifuge to separate it from the red blood cells. Red blood cells have an important job—they carry oxygen and CO2—but the focus here is on the platelets.

“The platelets are filled with all different kinds of growth factors, such as vascular growth factors, endothelium growth factors, and hair growth factors,” explains Dr. Ava Shamban, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Beverly Hills. “Essentially you’re taking your very own mix of growth factors—theoretically what your body has made and is most beneficial for you—and applying it back into your skin.”

You can use PRP anywhere on the body, Dr. Shamban adds. For example, in her practice, it’s injected into the scalp for hair restoration, in the eyebrows to treat sparse spots, in acne scars to lessen their appearance, and in skin injuries to reduce inflammation and improve healing. When applied back into the face, PRP has a host of anti-aging and rejuvenating benefits, including increased collagen production, reduction of wrinkles, firmer skin, improved tone, smoother surface texture, and smaller-looking pores.

c/o Wendy Gould

How does the SoME Skincare PRP Serum Work?

As with the in-office treatments, your blood is drawn by a physician and spun to separate the platelet rich plasma. Your PRP is then combined with SoMe’s proprietary complex, which allows it to stay viable for at least 90 days when refrigerated. Inside the formula, you’ll also find ingredients like hydrating hyaluronic acid, anti-inflammatory vitamin E, and nourishing antioxidants.

When applied topically, this PRP serum can stimulate remodeling of the skin, says Dr. Shambam. “Theoretically, if even a little bit is absorbed by your epidermal cells, then that can stimulate a whole cascade of cytokines—which are the little peptides that send messages between cells—to trigger skin repair, so you can actually get some dermal effects,” she explains. And while scientific data is still being accumulated, clinical data demonstrates visible improvements.

c/o SoME Skincare

My SoMe Skincare Experience

With a healthy level of skepticism, I decided to have my own bottle of SoME Skincare PRP Serum made at the Aesthetics Biomedical Conference in early April, where the treatment was offered gratis. The process itself was very straightforward: I had my blood drawn and watched my vial enter the centrifuge. The separation of plasma from red blood cells was very clear—a definitive line between the two substances—and my PRP was then placed into the serum bottle and dated. I even left with my own little skincare refrigerator to ensure the product stayed fresh.

I won’t lie, it took me a few days to finally work up the courage to apply the serum to my face. Even now, two months later, I’m still a little squeamish doing so! It has a light golden hue from the PRP and a viscous, true serum slip. The smell is a bit metallic, like blood, and is strong enough that my husband is able to notice it when he leans in for a kiss. But what’s really remarkable to me is how quickly the serum absorbs into my skin—I’m talking less than 10 seconds—which means it must have some supercharged bioavailability.

As directed, I apply it as the first step after cleansing, and then follow up with my other products on top, which also helps conceal the smell. Immediately upon application, my skin feels very soft to the touch and looks dewier, plumper, and more radiant. As far as results, I’m only about 40 days in, so it’s too early to see any major changes. But what I can tell you is that the surface of my skin does seem smoother, and it has an overall healthier appearance.

Want to get your own SoME Skincare PRP Serum? It costs roughly $900, and you can set up an appointment to have your PRP collected and combined with the proprietary complex using this practice locator. Yay science!

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