Unless you have been living under a rock, you’ll know that perky butts are all the rage right now. This has left many people wondering, can you do great butt exercises at home? Many influencers go to gyms to get their butts looking good, but what about those people who can only work out at home? Check out our top fifteen butt exercises that can be done at home, and get you the best-looking butt possible.
Can I Do Butt Exercises At Home?

Yes, you can! And luckily, there is a way to get a great butt, no surgery or Instagram filters required. All it takes is a little work, but don’t let that scare you off. After all, what great masterpiece hasn’t resulted from a little hard work?
Fortunately for you, these fifteen top butt exercises at home are all you need to create that perfect, perky butt that is so sought after. Combine these moves with your normal workout routine, and you will be much happier with your butt.
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Why Should I Work Out My Glutes?

Strong glutes are not only good for photos but for your whole body. By working out your glutes, you can reduce back pain, and knee pain, and increase your power and exercise performance according to the Nebraska Methodist Health System. The gluteals help with pelvic and hip stability and motion, and if they are not strong, then you could experience more pain.
15. Glute Bridge

Lay down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Make sure your toes are pointed forward, and place your arms by your side with palms toward the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes and abs and lift your hips toward the ceiling; as far as they will go without arching your back.
Hold the top position for two seconds, squeezing your glutes as tightly as possible. Then slowly lower the hips back to the floor, keeping tension in the glutes and the abs. Repeat this motion.
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14. Squat

Start by standing with your feet a little wider than hip-width. Drive your hips back, bending at the knees and ankles as you sit into a squat position. Make sure to keep heels and toes on the ground and have your chest up and shoulders back.
Try to get your knees at a 90-degree angle before pressing into your heels and straightening your legs back up into a standing position. Repeat this motion.
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13. Single Leg Deadlift

Start with your feet hip-width apart and parallel to each other. Have either a kettlebell, barbell, or two dumbbells in your hands hanging in front of you.
Lean forward with your hips, shifting your weight onto one leg while the other extends straight behind you. Continue to lift the extended leg until your body forms a “T” shape. Your arms should be hanging down, holding onto your weights. Bring your extended leg back down to a standing position, and complete with the other leg.
12. Donkey Kick (with pulse)

For this move, you will need a resistance band and workout bench. You will start in a tabletop position on top of the bench with your hands underneath your shoulders, and your knees directly under your hips. Loop your resistance band underneath your bench until it is even on both sides.
Next, place your right foot through the handle of your loop, flexing your foot so the band stays in place. While in tabletop position, bring your right knee (foot still flexed) to your right tricep. From here, kick your right leg directly behind you, pulsing for three counts. Bring your leg back to the starting position and repeat for your desired reps. Repeat on your left leg.
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11. Lateral Lunge

Start with your feet hip-width apart. Take a big step to the side with your right leg, bending your right knee as you push your hips back and lower until your knee is bent at 90 degrees.
Push back up to the starting position, and either alternate legs or complete one leg and then the other.
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10. Lateral Band Walk

Place the band around both ankles, making sure the band is not bunched and around both legs. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, with the band taut not stretched. Bend your knees slightly into a semi-squat, shift your weight onto one leg, and take a sideways step with the other leg.
Keep moving laterally, moving the same leg in and out. Make sure your back is straight and your hips are level throughout the movement. Shift your weight and complete the same movements with the other leg.
9. Side-Lying Hip Abduction

Lie down on your left side with legs stacked on each other and your head supported by a pillow or left hand. Place your right hand on the ground in front of your hip or on the top hip.
Keeping your knee straight and toes pointed, lift your top leg towards the ceiling, holding for 2-3 seconds at the top. Lower the leg back down, and repeat this motion ten times. Then switch to the other leg.
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8. Spider-Man Kick

Start in the tabletop position on top of your bench with your right foot looped through your resistance band. Drop down to your left elbow, then bring your right knee up to your right shoulder.
Press your leg out away from you, keeping your foot flexed. From here, pulse your leg up for two counts then return to the starting position. Repeat the move for one minute on both legs.
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7. Skater

Start with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your arms by your side. Bring one leg behind at an angle into a reverse lunge; the front knee will become a 90-degree angle.
Swing your arms in front of the bent knee and leap the back leg forward to switch sides like you would for a skating motion. Continue repeating this back-and-forth movement.
6. Romanian Deadlift

Stand with your feet under your hips, holding your weight (dumbbells or a barbell) in front of your thighs. Push your hips behind your heels with a flat back, keeping your knees above your heels and shins vertical to the floor.
Lower the weight towards the floor, with shoulder blades drawn towards each other. Once the weight is below your knees and you feel a stretch in the hamstrings, push your hips forward back into a standing position. Repeat the exercise.
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5. Goblet Squat

Start with your feet either hip or shoulder-width apart, holding the kettlebell at your chest with both hands on the sides of the handle. Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower down into a squat. Squat as low as you can while still keeping your back straight.
Drive upwards through your feet and squeeze your glutes to return to a standing position. Repeat.
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4. Hamstring Curls

Begin this move by sitting on the edge of your bench, and looping both feet through either side of your resistance band. Lie back while lifting your legs straight up towards the sky. Lift your shoulder blades slightly up off the ground with your hands behind your head for support.
Keeping your feet flexed, bend your knees about halfway down towards your butt, then extend your legs straight up to starting position. Hold for three counts before repeating the move for your desired amount of reps.
3. Fire Hydrant

Get onto your hands and knees, preferably on a mat or soft surface. Lift one leg off the floor, moving the knee to the side and towards the ceiling. Keep your knee bent the entire time.
Hold this position for a few seconds, then bring your knee back to the starting position. Continue doing reps with this leg or switching legs.
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2. Bulgarian Split Squat

Stand 2-3 feet in front of a high-knee platform and place your right leg behind you, with your toes on the surface. Keeping your torso upright, lower your right knee to the floor. The front knee with get close or become a 90-degree angle.
Push your knee upwards back into the starting position. Continue reps with this leg and then switch legs.
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1. Walking Lunge

Start in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, and hands either by your sides or on your hips. Step forward with the right leg, putting weight into your heel. Bend that right knee until it’s parallel to the floor in a lunge position.
Without moving the right leg, move your left foot forward and repeat the same movement on your left. Repeat this movement as you continue to “walk” forward by lunging.
Getting a nice-looking butt is not always easy, especially when you don’t have all the equipment that’s available at the gym. But it is still possible to get those strong glutes with simple exercises at home. Include some of these exercises into your main routine and who knows, maybe you will get your dream butt.