How To Get Toned Arms Without Using Weights


There is nothing more empowering than seeing your own strength in action! But how does one get lean, sculpted toned arms without using weights? And contrary to what you might have thought, you don’t need to lift a single weight.

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1. Push-Up On Bench

2. Spider Woman Push-Up

To get more of an oblique crunch, be sure to turn your head to look at your knee as it comes towards your elbow. If this move feels too advanced, practice holding a plank instead until you become stronger.


We all know strong arms not only look great in sleeveless tops. Yet, it turns out they’re pretty useful in your everyday life too:

From carrying groceries to moving furniture, or holding the little ones (fur babies included). Strong arms make your daily activities that much easier.

While weight lifting can greatly improve strength and has many benefits of its own, strong lean arms can begin at home. Your body weight can provide all the resistance you need to start toning those sexy arms.

The best bodyweight exercise for upper body strength is, you guessed, push-ups. Push-ups are an essential strength-building move that targets your shoulder, triceps, and pectoral muscles.

When done correctly, they also activate your core and glute muscles as well. Yay for getting a toned stomach and butt while working those guns!

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